What should my child wear/bring to soccer?

Clothes and shoes they feel comfortable running around in, and a full water bottle. No cleats for our preschool/intermediate sessions and they’re optional for advanced. Shinguards are optional for all levels.

What should I do if I’m trying to register my child, but sessions are full?

Use our waitlist and be sure to put your email in the “stay updated” box of our homepage so you’re notified when we’re planning on opening registration for future seasons. Mark your calendar with the registration opening date/time and sign them up when it opens to ensure they get a spot.

Can I come watch?

Yes (depending on the school policy), but please try to keep your distance to allow for the players to give our coaches their undivided attention. We want them to build skills, enjoy playing and stay engaged. Sometimes having a parent on the sidelines can be distracting (especially for the 3-5 year old’s).

How do I find the right class type for my child?

Check out our “class descriptions” page on our website and if you’re still unsure, enroll them in an age-appropriate class and they can be assessed by our coaching team. We will give a full refund if the season you sign up for isn’t a good fit for your child or they don’t enjoy it. If you’re not sure if your child is ready to move up a level after completing a season, ask a coach.

How large are your classes?

We limit each class to 12 kids and do our best to have at least 2 coaches per session to maximize engagement and 1v1 attention to ensure every child is progressing.

Do I need to pick up my child from school, then bring them to soccer?

Unless your child is a half day student, no. Children signed up for our sessions can be dismissed directly to our coaching staff from school, will play in their session and can be picked up after. Be sure to sign your child out with a coach before leaving with them.